Many people think that lifting weights is just for people that want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger!! …and lots of gym goers (particularly women) avoid the resistance section and even more so the free weights area, favoring cardio equipment for general health and weight loss. But we’re here to tell you that adding strength Read more → WHY LIFT WEIGHTS? HERE’S 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD START
In order for the body to function properly, the legs, hips and back must be strong, stable and flexible. Lunges address all three of these body parts in one movement. Lower back and disc injuries are rampant, as arew knee injuries. A vast majority of these injuries stem from one of the following three Read more → EXERCISE OF THE WEEK – LUNGE WITH MEDICINE BALL ROTATION
Here are some great facts from our Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training. The sexual glands in males and females release important hormones that bring about the physical changes typically witnessed during puberty. In females, the ovaries release oestrogen and in males, the testes release testosterone. These hormones also support health during adulthood. They Read more → ANATOMY FACTS – TESTOSTERONE & OESTROGEN
If you can embody these 9 personal qualities you will improve your clients experience, retention and get more out of your career as a Personal Trainer! 1. BE ENTHUSIASTIC AND MAINTAIN A SENSE OF HUMOUR Enthusiasm reflects passion and its contagious! People love to be in the company of enthusiastic people and this Read more → 9 Qualities That All Personal Trainers Should Have!
Here are some great facts on the skeleton from our Level 2 Fitness Instructor Course. The skeletal system consists of two main types of connective tissue: Bones and cartilage. Our skeleton is classified in two sections: The axial skeleton – consists of the bones that form the main frame or axis: the spine, Read more → ANATOMY FACTS – THE SKELETON